Gulu University Launched ENGENDER Project
Gulu University management team led by the Vice-Chancellor, Prof.Openjuru George Ladaah on Wednesday the 12th, 2024 launched the ENGENDER Project also known as Engage For Non-Gender Discriminative Higher Education from the University Council Boardroom.
Prof.Openjuru said the university is making great strides in gender mainstreaming with a Gender Mainstreaming Coordinating Office being headed by Dr. Doreen Chemutai as part of the management strategic intervention. He said all units at Gulu University also during budgeting shall have to include the gender aspect for the budget to go through since it is already one of the national standards in the budgeting process. He said the ENGENDER project is a big welcome to complement all university activities related to gender and shall harmonize its work together with the Gender Mainstreaming Coordination Centre currently in place.
Dr. Nicholas Gregory Okello the Project Investigator from Gulu University told management that EMGENDER is a capacity building project which promotes gender equity in educational programs through curricula development and inclusive pedagogy.
Lamaro Gloria the project coordinator thanked management for the wonderful reception and pledged that the ENGENDER project shall work with all university structures as guided by the vice-Chancellor. The project launch also brough at Gulu University all representatives from the partnering institutions of the project that include representations from Nkumba University, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Johannes Kepler University Austria and Debre Markos University Ethiopia.
The project’s main objective is to enhance gender equality and empowerment of women and other marginalized groups by implementing a policy cycle and by introducing novel measures in Higher Education institutions in Ethiopia and Uganda using a process of shared expertise in a North-South partnership. The project slated to end in November 2025 is funded by Austrian Government through Africa-UniNet.
Comments (2)
Thanks so much
Great thanks to the VC Gulu and his team for the support assured.
Success to the ENGENDER team.