
57 awarded grants under BSU phase 4 Projects

Gulu University Building Stronger University-BSU phase 4 project has awarded 57 beneficiaries with grants. The awardees received their letters of awards in a colorful ceremony at the Gulu University New Library on Tuesday 30th July, 2024. The BSU Project Chairperson for Gulu University, Prof. Charles Okumu said the awards were categorized into five with each taking in different numbers of recipients. The 57 BSU beneficiaries received grants under the following categories;...

Call For Applications For Masters Scholarship Under The Biosorption For Sustainable Small-Scale Gold Mining In Uganda (Blogold) Project

BioGold Project is a three-year collaborative project among five academic institutions including, Kyambogo University, Makerere University, Gulu University, University of Pretoria and University of Continuing Education, Krems, Austria funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation under the APPEAR Partnership. The project will combine principles of biosorption and chemical remediation to treat contaminated wastewater, tailings, rehabilitate contaminatedsoils so as to protect vulnerable ecosystems surrounding artisanal gold mining (ASGM) areas inUganda. This...