Call for Applications

Call for Applications to Programmes Offered at Gulu University for the 2024/2025 Academic Year

The Academic Registrar Gulu University invites online applications for admission to programmes offered at the University for the 2024/2025 Academic Year under the Direct, Diploma, Graduate and Higher Education Access Certificate Entry Schemes. The deadline for receiving applications is June 15, 2024. For the Diploma and Graduate Entry Schemes, only newly accredited programmes (GBP and MPC) and Programmes at Gulu University Kotido Campus are advertised. Applicants must fill and submit the...

Intra-Africa Mobility for Training Agribusiness and Food Systems Scientists for African Agriculture (TAFSA); Call for Degree Seeking Mobility, Cohort III

About TAFSA Program Intra-Africa Mobility to Train Agribusiness and Food System Scientists for African Agriculture (TAFSA) is an Intra-Africa Academic mobility project funded by the European Union (EU). The program is run by 5 African Universities namely, Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique); Gulu University (Uganda); Makerere University (Uganda); University of Abomey Calavi (Benin), and University of Pretoria (South Africa). The goal of TAFSA project is to enhance synergetic cooperation amongst selected Agricultural...

Call for applications: The Africa Thesis Award 2023

The award aims to encourage students’ research and writing on African topics and to promote the study of African cultures and societies. It is presented annually to a student whose master's thesis has been completed on the basis of research conducted on an African topic. The award consists of a prize of € 500,- and the publication of the winning thesis in the ASCL’s African Studies Collection. All theses submitted...