Gulu University Staff Savings and Credit Cooperative Society
When do I cease to be a member of GUSSACCO
Membership ceases when:
1. A members shares falls below the minimum acceptable shares (1 share)
2. A member voluntarily withdraws from the SACCO
3. A member has permanently lost sanity
4. A member dies
5. A member is dismissed from the SACCO
Is my membership in GUSSACCO transferable?
No. Your membership in GUSSACCO is based on individual merit, therefore not transferable.
Can I continue being a member of the SACCO when I leave Gulu University employment? How do I make my contributions
Yes, membership continues after university employment. Remittances and contributions will be through Voluntary Savings, paid through the bank or through the office of the Treasurer, for which a receipt will be issued.
Is there a registration fee?
Registration fees is UGX 50,000 payable once
How do I become a member of the SACCO?
1. The SACCO draws its membership from the employees of Gulu University
2. Upon payment of Membership fees, Annual subscription and purchase of at least 1 share