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2020-2024: Climate-Smart Innovations in Agriculture in Uganda, Improved food security, livelihoods and soil carbon”. A collaboration between the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Gulu University, Faculty of Agriculture and Environment. Funded by the Research Council of Norway.
April-August 2022: Consultant: Training on safe use and handling of pesticides for Feed the Future IAM, A USAID-funded project. Conducted 5 training sessions of 5 days in Abim, Moroto, Mbale, Lira and Mbarara districts.
July 2019: Consultant; Training of trainers in Climate Smart Farmer Field School Methodology, SNV, and Netherland’s development organization. Developed a climate-smart training material for soybean and simsim value chains in northern Uganda. Conducted 4 Training of Trainers sessions of 5 days each; a total of 195 TOTS in Lira and Gulu.
2018: Promoting Farm-based Micro-Enterprises in refugee settlements and host-communities of Arua and Adjumani districts (Uganda), a FAO-funded initiative. Built capacity of refugees and host communities in vegetable production, and provided technical backstopping to horticulture demo-facilitators.
Dec. 2016 – May 2017: Business Partnership Brokerage Services for Switch Africa Green project, a UNOPS-funded consultancy for B-SPACE (U) Ltd. Developed training manual for good agronomic practices (GAP) in the Albert Nile Region, conducted training on GAP for vegetable growers and agri-entrepreneurship for each farmer group-lodge deal.
July 2016: Monitoring and Evaluation of the Switch Africa Green (SAG) Project (Component-B): An evaluation of a two-year UNOPS funded initiative in the Albertine Nile Region of Uganda.
2013-2016: Enhancing Capacity for Agricultural Research and Training (ECART) in Gulu University, a project funded by the Netherlands Initiative for Capacity Development in Higher Education (NICHE)
2013: Capacity building of staff from Dr. John Garang Memorial University of Science and Technology and Ministry of Agriculture, Jonglei State, South Sudan.
2012: The Fruit farming project: training farmers in fruit farming as a business in 11 districts in northern Uganda. Funded by Trust fund for Victims Grant program through CARE (Uganda).
2012: Training of extension service providers in Unity State, South Sudan, organized by Mercy Corps, South Sudan. Focused on horticulture & integrated disease management.
2011: Training of extension service providers in Unity State, South Sudan, organized by World Relief.