Esther Acio
Lecturer- Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies
- e.acio@gu.ac.ug
- M.A. (Africa University, Zimbabwe), B.A. (Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi, Uganda)
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Master’s degree in Peace and Governance from Africa University in Zimbabwe, Bachelor’s degree in Ethics and Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs University, Nkozi in Uganda.
Areas of Research Interest
Esther Acio, Lioba Lenhart and Susan Reynolds Whyte. 2023. Generations in This Land Is Not For Sale: Trust and Transitions in Northern Uganda, Lotte Meinert and Susan Reynolds Whyte (eds). Series:Integration and Conflict Studies;Volume 27, New York: Berghahn Books
Whyte, Susan Reynolds, and Esther Acio. 2017. ‘Generations and Access to Land in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda:“Youth Have No Voice in Land Matters” African Studies Review 60(3): 17–36.
Obika, J., Acio, E., and Ovuga, E. (2013). Forgiveness As a Strategy to Attain Peace and Reconciliation from the Individual Level to the Community Level in Post-Conflict Northern Uganda. In ‘Perspectives of Peace Building in Northern Uganda’, by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Uganda.
Esther is also a member of and represents the Institute in the following; University Senate; EMIC committee; Ceremonies committee; GUASA Executive committee; and is as well, the Internship Coordinator at the Institute.