LAMWAKA Alice Veronica PhD: Is an Academic Scholar, Consultant and Clinical Practitioner with proven Ethical and Professional track record in areas of Pharmaceutical Care and Management, Clinical Research and Higher Education Management. Lamwaka Alice Veronica is a Clinical Pharmacist who holds a PhD in Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacogenomics, with a super specialty in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Traditional Medicine systems, She holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Pharmacy and post-graduate training in Clinical trials,, Health System Management, Higher Education Systems Management. Actively involved in non communicable disease control, diabetes mellitus clinical care and operational research since 1998. Professional interests involve evaluation of educational, diagnostic and chemotherapeutic interventions to guide health policy, evaluation of health related impact of interventions as well as operational health systems research. Experienced provider of technical support for teaching, pharmaceutical curriculum development , clinical research, public health and epidemiological strategies to health organizations focused on education, training, operational and clinical research activities. Active involvement in the epidemiological surveillance of diabetes morbidity and mortality trends, locust and grasshopper control using indigenous knowledge as well as provider of technical advice on case management policy issues. Also a practicing Pharmacist.
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