Nyero John Bosco
Assistant Academic Registrar
Nyero John Bosco joined the service of Gulu University in 2010 as a driver with a qualification of Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and a Craft I certificate in mechanical from Uganda Technical College-Lira and was posted to the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment, he enrolled for further studies in 2011.
Currently, Nyero John Bosco holds a Masters Degree in Public Administration and Management, Bachelors Degree in Development Studies, and a Diploma in Development obtained from Gulu University as well as a Certificate in Administrative Officers’ Law Course from the Law Development Centre.
He was able to maintain his zeal and demonstrated his prepared perseverance to achieve his dreams in the face of adversity and lately, on 1st April 2023, received a new appointment as the Assistant Academic Registrar.
He is determined to do his part with passion in a professional, honest, hard-working and team manner