Irene Winnie Anying
Lecturer- Faculty of Law
- winnie.anying@gu.ac.ug
- LLB (MUK), Dip LPC (LDC), LLM (Utrecht), LLD (Gulu, in progress)
Academic Publications
Anying, I. (2012). Re-Envisioning Gender Justice in Access and Use of Land Through Traditional Institutions: A Case for Customary Tenure of Land Ownership in Acholi Sub-Region, Northern Uganda.(www.humanrights.dk/publications/re-envisioning.)
Anying, I. W., & Gausset, Q. (2017). Gender and forum shopping in land conflict resolution in Northern Uganda.The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 49(3),353-372
Anying, I. W & Morrisson Ian Plurality & Land Dispute Management In The Post War Northern Uganda; A Need For An Effective Coordinating Mechanisms.Submitted to the Journal of Peace and Security Studies (JPSS) 20908-1, Special Issue Working Title: Land issues and policy implications in northern Uganda
Anying Irene Winnie Non-Governmental Organisations Intervention Efforts In Land Dispute Management In Post War Acholi Sub Region, Northern Uganda.
Non-Academic Publications
USAID SAFE Sensitization Toolkit for Traditional Leaders(safeprogram.ug/…/usaid-safe-sensitization-toolkit-for-traditional-leaders-and-elders/)-participated as an editor
USAID – SAFE Community Legal Volunteers Training Manual(safeprogram.ug/publications/usaid-safe-community-legal…)-participated as an editor
USAID – SAFE Land Rights Handbook(safeprogram.ug/publications/usaid-safe-land-rights-handbook)-participated as an editor
Ms Irene has expertise on International Human Rights Law and Criminal Justice Systems, Transitional Justice, Land Law and Administration, Legal History and development of Legal systems in Post Colonial Africa and Legal Pluralism. She is currently finalizing her PHD, which focuses on access to justice and rule of law within a legally pluralistic environment under the DANIDA Trust Land Project of Gulu University and being supervised by Associate Professor Martin Mennecke of the Southern University of Denmark and Qunetin Gausset of the University of Copenhagen. Ms Irene holds a Master of laws (LLM) in International Human Rights and Criminal Justice of Utrecht University, Post Graduate Diploma in legal Practice of Law Development Centre, kampala and a Bachelor of Laws of Makerere University. Ms Irene’s research interests include; Legal Pluralism, Rule of Law, Access to Justice in a context of gender and post conflict or fragile states and land tenure governance systems, specifically customary land tenure systems. Ms Irene has intermittently lectured on a part time basis, in which she has taught courses on Human Rights Law, Business Law and Criminal Justice. She has also provided guest lecture at summer classes on human rights law and development of law and dispute management systems in Africa. In addition Ms Irene also has over 8 years experience managing and coordinating programs geared towards improvement of access to justice, rule of law and human rights. She has specifically over the last 6 years managed and coordinated capacity building efforts for land administrators and managers both at formal and the informal levels.