Dr. Tenywa Aloysius Malagala

Senior Lecturer

Dr. Tenywa Aloysius Malagala is Senior Lecturer and former Director of the Institute of Peace & Strategic Studies (IPSS), Gulu University.
Ph.D. (Essex University, UK), Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources Management (UMI), LLM (Essex University, UK), Licentiate in Civil Law (Pontifical Lateran University, Rome), B.A. Theology (Urbaniana University, Rome). He lectures undergraduate, masters and PhD students in International Law, human rights Law and practice, gender, governance, democracy, peace and conflict transformation studies and Qualitative Research methods. Read More


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Research Interests


  • UNESCO/ UNATCOM (2021)-Lead Consultant for Establishing the Mechanisms for Intercultural Peaceful Co-existence in Northern Uganda.
  • ROYAL DANISH EMBASSY (2020)-Co-PI for Mid-Term Evaluation of Acholi Religious Leaders Rights, Peace and Reconciliation Programme.
  • UNESCO (2020)-Co-PI for Evaluation of the Coordination Mechanisms of the Norwegian Teacher Initiative in Uganda.
  • UNESCO (2019)-Co-PI for Conflict Sensitive Education for Refugee and Host Communities in West Nile.
  • STRAIGHT TALK FOUNDATION (2019)-Lead consultant, where he developed a Teacher Mentorship Training Guide for Teachers in Karamoja Region in Northern Uganda.
  • UNICEF (2017) – Was Ugandan expert for “Research Consortium on Education and Peace Building project” for Harvard Humanitarian Initiative.
  • UNICEF (2017) – Was Ugandan Expert for the “Research Consortium on Education and Peace Building project” for the Universities of Amsterdam, Ulster, and Sussex
  • UNICEF (2014-2016) – Lead consultant for country-wide (28 districts) UNICEF Conflict Analysis Update.


Tenywa Aloysius Malagala (2009).“Is there a need for a Human Rights-Based Approach to Health in Uganda?” in 35 (3) Commonwealth Law Bulletin.

Tenywa Aloysius Malagala (2011), ‘A Human Rights-Based Accountability for Healthcare in Uganda’, in East Africa. Journal of Peace and Human Rights in East African

Tenywa Aloysius Malagala (2011), ‘Bilateral Donors and a Human Rights-Based Approach to Development Cooperation: Sida and a Right to Health in Uganda, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbruckenin East African

Llamazares, M, Brorson, L.S, Malagala, T.A, Okot, B (2015), ‘Education, Conflict and Peace in Uganda:’ An Education Sector Conflict Analysis 201-14), UNICEF- Uganda, Kampala.

Okot. B and T. A. Malagala (2021), “Refugee Dilemma in the Context of COVID-19 Prevention in Uganda”, in Vienna, SaarbruckenJournal African Studies

Malagala. A.T., Okot. B and Judith. A (2022), “Adaptations and innovations in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Civil Society Organizations working with PWDs in Uganda

Malagala.T. A. (2023).“ Negotiating the safety of Strangers in Protracted crisis spaces: a Human Rights Perspective”, in Global issues (Forthcoming)




More Information

I have supervised over 30 students since he joined Gulu University in 2011. He was the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning lead for the Gulu University Project on “Transforming Employability for Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA)”, a project funded by Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education Innovation and Reform (SPHEIR), involving two Universities in Uganda and two in Tanzania, two NGOs in Kenya and one INASP in the UK. He was the Uganda promoter for the “Governance and Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Northern Uganda”, a five-year research-based project funded by the Flemish Universities and implemented by the University of Antwerp, Uganda Martyrs, and Gulu University. He was Ugandan Principle Investigator for “Governing Transition in Northern Uganda, Trust, and Land Project” for two years. He has over 10 years of expertise managing large and complex grants, managing multiple partners, and working in consortia, and consultancies in Uganda, providing managerial oversight for the research projects. He has led consultancies for both international and national non-government organizations in Uganda.