Associate Professor Martine Nyeko is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biosystems Engineering at Gulu University. He holds a Ph.D. degree in Hydrology, with a special interest in the analysis and modeling of water and agricultural systems. Graduated in 2010 from the University of Naples Federico II in Italy. Dr. Martine has over fifteen years of teaching experience and multidisciplinary research in the areas of water resource development and management and climate science. Dr. Martine is a dynamic, forward-looking, team player with experience in problem-solving. He has excellent working knowledge in GIS and Remote sensing, including the ability to interpret and analyze images for environmental applications.

Associate Professor Martine Nyeko, PhD
Faculty of Agriculture and Environment


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Research Interests

Journal Articles

GIS and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Land Use Resource Planning; Journal of Geographic Information System. DOI:10.4236/jgis.2012.44039
Link: Total Citations: 87 Citations.

Hydrologic Modelling of Data Scarce Basin with SWAT Model: Capabilities and Limitations.
Link: Total Citations: 54 Citations.

Determinants of smallholder farmers’ adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change: Evidence from northern Uganda. Total Citations: 28 Citations.
Authors: Francis Atube, Geoffrey M. Malinga, Martine Nyeko, Daniel M. Okello, Simon Peter Alarakol & Ipolto Okello-Uma

Traditional ecological knowledge and flood risk management : a preliminary case study of the Rwenzori.
Authors: Bosco Bwambale, Moses Muhumuza, Martine Nyeko

The impact of septic systems density and nearness to spring water points, on water quality. Total Citations: 24 Citations.
Authors: B. Arwenyo, J. Wasswa, M. Nyeko, G.N. Kasozi

Questioning knowledge foundation: What is the best way to integrate knowledge to achieve substantial disaster risk reduction? Total Citations: 24 Citations.
Authors: Bosco Bwambale, Martine Nyeko, Moses Muhumuza, Matthieu Kervyn

Adaptive simulation of the impact of changes in land use on water resources in the lower Aswa basin. Total Citations: 24 Citations.
Authors: Martine Nyeko, Guido D’Urso, Walter W. Immerzeel

Foundations of indigenous knowledge on disasters due to natural hazards: lessons from the outlook on floods among the Bayira of the Rwenzori region.
Authors: Bosco Bwambale, Moses Muhumuza, Thaddeo Tibasiima Kahigwa, Stanley Mbalibulha Bakahinga Baluku, Humphrey Kasozi, Martine Nyeko, Matthieu Kervyn

Farmers’ adaptation to climate change and crop yield: a case of Amuru and Apac districts of Northern Uganda.
Authors: Francis Atube, Daniel M. Okello, Geoffrey M. Malinga, Martine Nyeko, Ipolto Okello-Uma

Indigenous land suitability evaluation system of the Acholi tribe of Northern Uganda.
Authors: Expedito Nuwategeka, Martine Nyeko

Farmers’ perceptions of climate change, long-term variability and trends in rainfall in Apac district, northern Uganda.
Authors: Francis Atube, Geoffrey M. Malinga, Martine Nyeko, Daniel M. Okello, Basil Mugonola, George William Omony & Ipolto Okello-Uma

Using Indigenous Knowledge to Model Land Suitability for Crops in Amuru District, Northern Uganda.
DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.87.17555
Authors: Nuwategeka Expedito & Martine Nyeko


Conference Papers

The Historical Evolution of Flood Risk Management by Rural Communities in Uganda: A Case of the Rwenzori (Uganda)
Conference: The Belgian Geographers Days October 2019, Ghent University
Authors: Bosco Bwambale, Moses Muhumuza, Nyeko Martine, & Matthieu Kervyn

Sampling Design For Calibration Of Hydraulic And Chlorine Decay Models Of Water Distribution Systems.
https://DOI: 10.2316/P.2016.836-008
Conference: Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference September 5 – 7, 2016 Gaborone, Botswana Environment and Water Resource Management (AfricaEWRM 2016)
Authors: Denis Nono, Philimon T Odirile, Bhgabat P Parida & Martine Nyeko


Book Chapter

Introduction of a Biodiversity Farming Concept in Amuru District, Uganda.
Authors: Nyeko Pen-Mogi & Martine Nyeko


Francis Atube, Geoffrey M. Malinga, Martine Nyeko, Daniel M. Okello, Basil Mugonola, George William Omony & Ipolto Okello-Uma . (2022) . Farmers’ perceptions of climate change, long-term variability and trends in rainfall in Apac district, northern Uganda
Francis Atube, Daniel M. Okello, Geoffrey M. Malinga, Martine Nyeko & Ipolto Okello-Uma . (2022) . Farmers’ adaptation to climate change and crop yield: a case of Amuru and Apac districts of Northern Uganda . International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability , 20(5), pp. 967-981
Francis Atube, Geoffrey M. Malinga, Martine Nyeko, Daniel M. Okello, Simon Peter Alarakol & Ipolto Okello-Uma . (2021) . Determinants of smallholder farmers’ adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change: Evidence from northern Uganda . Available at:
Francis Atube1*, Geoffrey M. Malinga2, Martine Nyeko3, Daniel M. Okello4, Simon Peter Alarakol5 and Ipolto Okello‑Uma6 . (2021) . Determinants of smallholder farmers’ adaptation strategies to the effects of climate change: Evidence from northern Uganda . Agriculture & Food Security, 10(6)
. (2019) . Using indigenous knowledge to model land suitability for crops in Amuru district, northern Uganda . African Journal of Food Agriculture Nutrition and Development , 19(4)
B. Arwenyo  1 *, J. Wasswa 2, M. Nyeko 3, G.N. Kasozi 2 . (2017) . The impact of septic systems density and nearness to spring water points, on water quality . African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 11(1), pp. 11-18



More Information

Projects (completed)

2021; Evaluating gendered water, sanitation and hygiene access in Uganda, Project report by: Dooley, Claire, Thomas, Mair, Jacobs, Tamar, Dansie, Andrew and Nyeko, Martine (2021) Evaluating gendered water, sanitation and hygiene access in Uganda. University of Southampton

2017; ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Science and Technology (S&T II) – Strengthening innovation and technology dissemination for sustainable development in cereals, cocoa, and coffee value chain in Eastern and Western Africa (SATIFFS).

2016; EDULINK II – Mobility to Enhance Training of Engineers in Africa (METEGA);

2016; ACP-EU Co-operation – African Center for Applicative Developing and Innovation in Agribusiness (ACADIA)