She is an expert in peace and security issues, land governance and gender. Dr Obika has done extensive work in war-affected northern Uganda in areas of laud contestations, peacebuilding and women’s land rights. She serves on the Gulu University Senate as a representative for IPSS and is currently the Vice Chairperson of the Gulu University Research Ethics Committee. Read More


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Research Interests


Obika, J.A., & Otim, P.W. (2023).Returning to the World of Ancestors: Death and Dying among the Acholi of Northern Uganda, 1900s-1980s. Journal of Eastern African Studies, (0):1-20.

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Obika Julaina A, Ovuga Emilio . (2018) . “I Forgive to Forget”: Implications for Community Restoration and Unity in Northern Uganda . Journal of African Conflicts and Peace Studies, [online] Volume 4(1). Available at:
Julaina A. Obika, Ben Adol Otto, Sulayman Mpisi Babiiha, Michael Whyte . (2017) . Contesting claims to gardens and land Gendered practice in post-war northern Uganda . In: , Contested Property Claims
Susan Reynolds Whyte, Lotte Meinert, Julaina A Obika . (2015) . Untying Wrongs In Northern Uganda . In: Susan Reynolds Whyte, Evil in Africa: Encounters with the everyday, pp. 43-60
Lotte Meinert, Julaina A. Obika, Susan Reynolds Whyte . (2014) . Crafting forgiveness accounts after war: Editing for effect in northern Uganda , pp. 10-14
Hanne O. Mogensen, Obika Julaina . (2013) . Speaking forgiveness in northern Uganda From armed conflicts to land conflicts . Journal of Peace and Security Studies
Lyn Snodgrass, Julaina Obika . (2011) . Reintegrating former child soldiers into their communities in northern Uganda: A case study . In: , Governance in the 21st Century, pp. 221-232



More Information

Julaina A. Obika is the Chairperson of the Gulu University Research Ethics Committee (GUREC), and former Vice Chairperson (2020-2023). She is a trained social scientist from Makerere University, with a bias in Gender and Development. She holds an MPhil in Conflict Transformation and Management from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Her PhD, under a sandwich program between Gulu University and Copenhagen University, looked at Women navigating access to customary land in the Acholi sub-region. Dr. Obika is Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Peace and Strategic Studies (IPSS) of Gulu University. She has teaching experience that spans more than fourteen years, with a robust research portfolio. She is currently leading three research projects at IPSS, including the Imagining Gender Futures (IMAGENU) project funded by DANIDA; the Jean-Monnet Centre of Excellence on Regional Integration in East Africa, and the AfriquEurope Consortium, the last two funded by the European Union Commission.

Julaina A. Obika (PhD)
Chairperson, GUREC