PhD in Science – Gulu University, Master of Science in Botany from Makerere University, Bachelor of Science (Botany, Zoology) from Makerere University.
Research Interests
- Opio A, Olido K, Awachorach, J, Oryema C and D Onen (2022). Contextualizing Potential Factors Impacting on Behaviors of Primary School Adolescents in Northern Uganda. Journal Of Research on Adolescencepg 1–20.
- Okori BC, Oryema C ,Opiro R , Acur A , Gilbert I. Obici IG, Rutaro R , GM. Malinga1, and E Sande (2022). Ethnobotanical survey of plants locally used in the control of termite pests among rural communities in northern Uganda. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience; 3:37.
- Oryema O, Karlmax R, S. W Oyet and G. M Malinga (2021). Ethnobotanical plants used in the management of symptoms of tuberculosis in rural Uganda. Tropical Medicine and Health. Pg 49-92.
- Malinga, G. M., Baana, K., Rutaro, K., Opoke, R., Atube, F., Opika-Opoka, H., & Oryema, C. (2020). An ethnobotanical study of plants used for the treatment of malaria in Budondo sub-county, Eastern Uganda. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 19, 1-15
- Oryema. C., & Oryem-Origa, H. (2017). Ethno-botanical uses of Ugandan edible wild fruit species. Environment, Earth and Ecology, 1(2): 62-74.
- Oryema, C., & Oryem-Origa, H. (2016). Analysis of the fresh pulps of Borassus aethiopum fruits of Gulu district, Uganda. American Journal of Food and Nutrition, 4(6), 177-181.
- Oryema, C., Oryem-Origa, H., &Roos, N. (2015). Influential factors to the Consumptions of Edible wild fruits and products in the post Conflict District of Gulu, Uganda. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 5(10), 132-143.
- Oryema, C., Ziraba, R. B., Omagor, N., & Opio, A. (2010). Medicinal plants of Erute county, Lira district, Uganda with particular reference to their conservation. African Journal of Ecology, 48(2), 285-298.
- Oryema, C., Oryem-Origa, H., & Nanna, R. (2013). Edible wild fruit species of Gulu District, Uganda. International Journal of Biology and Biological Sciences, 2(4), 68-82.
- Oryema, C., Oryem-Origa, H., &Roos, N. (2016). Nutrient contents of the fresh pulps and dried pulp cakes of vitellaria paradoxa of Gulu District, Uganda. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 15(1), 33-39.
- Oryema, C., Ziraba, R. B., Odyek, O., Omagor, N., & Opio, A. (2011). Phytochemical properties and toxicity to brine shrimp of medicinal plants in Erute county, Lira district, Uganda. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(22), 5450-5457.
Opio A; J.KLukale and C.Oryema (2011). Socio-economic benefits and Pollution levels of water resources, Pece Wetland, Gulu Municipality- Uganda.African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. (5); pg (535-544).
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