Dr. Christine Oryema is an Ethnobotanist/ Plant taxonomist. She holds a PhD in Science from Gulu University; Master of Science in Botany from Makerere University, Uganda; Bachelor of Science (Botany, Zoology) from Makerere University, Uganda and Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Gulu University, Uganda’ She is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biology facilitating learning for both undergraduate and graduate students. Christine is a researcher and an innovator too. She is the current Chairperson Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) Uganda Chapter. She is also the Chairperson Board of Governor (B.O.G) Koch Goma Senior Secondary School and the current Secretary Contracts Committee, Gulu University. She is always so motivated and passionate about research, and loves venturing and taking up assigned tasks. She has beenthe Gender Lead on many projects such as the Transformative Employability through Social Change in East Africa (TESCEA; Africa Development Bank Project; Gender Equity in Research Alliance (GERA); A member of the Gender Audit Team for Gulu University on the Common wealth of Learning (COL)Project. From 2017 to date she is the Focal Person and Mentors on the Higher Education Access Programme (HEAP) and Mr. Forberg scholarship in Gulu University. She is also the Chairperson of Gulu University Female Staff Association (GUFSA); an Alumnae of HERS-EA and currently the team leader of Gulu University the female staff on the Higher Education Resource Services (HERS) East Africa. She also leads the groups on the Gulu University Fitness Club. She provides career guidance in both secondary and primary schools, particularly to the girl children. Read More


PhD in Science – Gulu University, Master of Science in Botany from Makerere University, Bachelor of Science (Botany, Zoology) from Makerere University.

Research Interests

  • Opio A, Olido K, Awachorach, J,  Oryema C and D Onen (2022). Contextualizing Potential Factors Impacting on Behaviors of Primary School Adolescents in Northern Uganda. Journal Of Research on Adolescencepg 1–20. 
  1. Okori BC, Oryema C ,Opiro R , Acur A , Gilbert I. Obici IG, Rutaro R , GM. Malinga1, and E Sande (2022). Ethnobotanical survey of plants locally used in the control of termite pests among rural communities in northern Uganda. CABI Agriculture and Bioscience; 3:37. 
  2. Oryema O, Karlmax R, S. W Oyet and G. M Malinga (2021). Ethnobotanical plants used in the management of symptoms of tuberculosis in rural Uganda. Tropical Medicine and Health. Pg 49-92. 
  3. Malinga, G. M., Baana, K., Rutaro, K., Opoke, R., Atube, F., Opika-Opoka, H., & Oryema, C. (2020). An ethnobotanical study of plants used for the treatment of malaria in Budondo sub-county, Eastern Uganda. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 19, 1-15
  4. Oryema. C., & Oryem-Origa, H. (2017). Ethno-botanical uses of Ugandan edible wild fruit species. Environment, Earth and Ecology, 1(2): 62-74. 
  5. Oryema, C., & Oryem-Origa, H. (2016). Analysis of the fresh pulps of Borassus aethiopum fruits of Gulu district, Uganda. American Journal of Food and Nutrition, 4(6), 177-181.
  6. Oryema, C., Oryem-Origa, H., &Roos, N. (2015). Influential factors to the Consumptions of Edible wild fruits and products in the post Conflict District of Gulu, Uganda. Journal of Natural Sciences Research, 5(10), 132-143.
  7. Oryema, C., Ziraba, R. B., Omagor, N., & Opio, A. (2010). Medicinal plants of Erute county, Lira district, Uganda with particular reference to their conservation. African Journal of Ecology, 48(2), 285-298.
  8. Oryema, C., Oryem-Origa, H., & Nanna, R. (2013). Edible wild fruit species of Gulu District, Uganda. International Journal of Biology and Biological Sciences, 2(4), 68-82.
  9. Oryema, C., Oryem-Origa, H., &Roos, N. (2016). Nutrient contents of the fresh pulps and dried pulp cakes of vitellaria paradoxa of Gulu District, Uganda. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition, 15(1), 33-39.
  10. Oryema, C., Ziraba, R. B., Odyek, O., Omagor, N., & Opio, A. (2011). Phytochemical properties and toxicity to brine shrimp of medicinal plants in Erute county, Lira district, Uganda. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research, 5(22), 5450-5457.

Opio A; J.KLukale and C.Oryema (2011). Socio-economic benefits and Pollution levels of water resources, Pece Wetland, Gulu Municipality- Uganda.African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. Vol. (5); pg (535-544).




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