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Peace Yikiru, Bebwa Isingoma
. (2023)
. The use of ditransitive constructions among L1 Lugbarati speakers of English in Uganda: A preliminary study
Bebwa isingoma
. (2022)
. Revisiting constraints on postverbal argument coding and linearization in English goal ditransitive constructions
. Studies in Linguistics, Culture, and FLT(2), pp. 7-16
Christiane Meierkord, Bebwa Isingoma
. (2022)
. Between first language influence, exonormative orientation and migration: Future time expressions in post-protectorate Ugandan English
, pp. 220-248. Available at: https://www.jbe-platform.com/content/journals/10.1075/eww.21014.mei
Bebwa Isingoma and Christiane Meierkord
. (2022)
. Between exonormative traditions and local acceptance: A corpus-linguistic study of modals of obligation and spatial prepositions in spoken Ugandan English
. Available at: https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/opli-2022-0185/html
Monica Adokorach, Bebwa Isingoma
. (2022)
. Homogeneity and heterogeneity in the pronunciation of English among Ugandans: A preliminary study
. English Today, 38(1), pp. 15-26
Bebwa Isingoma
. (2021)
. The sociolinguistic profile of English at the grassroots level: A comparison of Northern and Western Uganda
, pp. 49-69
Bebwa Isingoma
. (2021)
. Structural Properties of Rutooro Ditransitive Constructions: a lexical functional analysis
Bebwa Isingoma
. (2014)
. African Study Monographs, 35(2), pp. 85-98
Bebwa Isingoma
. (2012)
. Triadic Constructions in Rutooro
, pp. 149-160