Dr. Acaye Ongwech (PhD)
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i) Name of Student: Ocaya Jimmy22/U/1922/PhD-SC/PS
Topic: Organic Explosive Residues from Soil at Amuru Demining Munition Demolition Sites, Northern Uganda
Remark: PhD study in progress
ii) Name of Student: Okello Peter22/U/1917/PhD-SC/PS
Topic: Ethno-botanical survey and phytochemical screening of plants used in the management of symptoms and malaria and its vectors in Acholi Sub- region, Northern Uganda.
Remark:PhD study in progress
iii) Name of Student: Machulu Moses Oketcho
Topic: Blended Learning adoption Model for Technical, Vocational Education and Training in and post covid-19 pandemic.
Remark: PhD study in progress
iv) Name of Student: Ojok Patrick21/U/2573/MEP/PS
Topic: Prevalence and Risk Factors associated with Ectoparasite Infestation of Pigs among Small Holder Farmers in Gulu District, Northern Uganda
Remark:Msc study in progress
v) Name of Student: Nyero Alfred 16/U/043/PhD
Topic: Wild and Semi-Wild Edible Plants utilized by the Acholi Communities of Northern Uganda
Remark:PhD Thesis examined and the candidate graduated 2023
vi) Name of Student: Opeto Charles Dickens15/U/2141/MEP
Topic: Haemonchosis in small ruminants under traditionally managed Grazing system in Apac District.
Remark:Msc dissertation examined and the candidate graduated 2021
vii) Name of Student: Mirriam Owino17/U/2477/MFN
Topic: Consumers’ Perception and Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Sunflower Oil produced by small scale Processors in Lira District.
Remark:Msc dissertation examined and the candidate graduated 2021
viii) Name of Student: Angole Michael 19/U/3494/MEP/PS
Topic: Effect of spraying Desert Locusts with Cypermethrin and Chlorpyrifos on Colony migration, Pesticide Bioaccumulation and Nutritional Composition of non- target Edible termites in Kumi District, Eastern Uganda.
Remark:Msc dissertation examined and the candidate graduated 2023