metabolic acidosis

Nodding episodes and high anion gap in a 13-year-old Nodding syndrome child

Introduction: Nodding syndrome is an unknown neurological disorder affecting children in Northern Uganda, South Sudan and Southern Tanzania. The patient in our case report is, to the best of our knowledge, the first with the syndrome that has been serially followed up for more than three months and the information obtained provides important clue to the possible risk factor to the syndrome. Case Presentation: A 13-year-old boy diagnosed in Atanga Health...

High Anion Gap Metabolic Acidosis in Children with Nodding Syndrome in Northern Uganda.

Aims: To conduct a hormonal and biochemical studies on 10 patients with diagnosis of probable Nodding Syndrome (NS). Study Design: A cross-sectional study Place and Duration of Study: Atanga Health Center III in Pader District in Northern Uganda in September 2012. Methodology: We recruited consecutively 10 children with probable Nodding Syndrome who had been admitted for symptomatic management of seizures, injuries resulting from falls and nutritional rehabilitation. History, physical examinations, biophysical measurements (anthropometry)...