gulu municipality

Automated Garbage Bin Monitoring: An Embedded System Approach

Most cities today are faced with challenges of garbage management which are brought about by indiscriminate damping by the inhabitants. This has led to littering of garbage in the community hence, unhealthy living conditions. Such littering of garbage also leads to the spread of diseases. Currently, municipal authorities are unable to sufficiently respond and collect the garbage due to constraints like the lack of a notification system to remind them...

Shortest Route Identification Model for Urban Solid Waste Disposal Management Using GIS: A Case of Gulu City, Northern Uganda

Abstract GIS has been employed for integration of both spatial and non-spatial data. It can be applied to any service that is dependent on network like water and power supplies, sewage and transportation. This study was done in Gulu municipality to address the problem of poor solid waste disposal management. It proposes a shortest route identification model to minimize travel distance and reduce collection time by the trucks. The constraints that...