And Uganda

Chronicity of self-harming behaviors among adolescent teenage girls living in refugee settlements in Northern Uganda

Background Self-harming ideations demand targeted research due to their persistent nature, especially among female adolescents within refugee populations who face unique challenges that can exacerbate self-harming tendencies. This study aimed to assess the factors associated with self-harming ideations chronicity among female teenagers living in refugee settlement in Northern Uganda. Method This cross-sectional study used a pretested questionnaire to assess self-harming ideations and other demographic characteristics. Ordinal logistic regression was used...

Prevalence of aflatoxin along processing points of locally made complementary food formulae in northern Uganda: Safety and children’s exposure across seasons

Aflatoxin contamination along the processing points of locally made complementary food composite needs to be ascertained and minimized to reduce exposure to weaning children. The study established the concentrations of total aflatoxin (TAF) and aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) along the processing points of locally made malted millet sesame soybean composite (MMSSC) across season one (wet) and season two (dry) and determined children's exposure to them. A total of 363 samples were...

Length of stay of hospitalized patients at tertiary psychiatry facilities in Uganda: the role of caregiver’s presence

Background: Whether the presence of caregivers during the hospital stay of patients with mental illness affects the length of hospital stay (LoS) remains inconclusive. Aims: (1) To determine the average LoS and the associated factors, and (2) to determine the role of caregivers’ presences during inpatient stay on LoS. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study in two hospitals in Uganda; one with caregivers and the other without caregivers between July to November...