Nodding syndrome: 2015 international conference report and Gulu accord

Article Authors: PS Spencer, DL Kitara, S Gazda, A Winkler


Nodding syndrome is a pediatric epileptic encephalopathy of apparent environmental origin that was first described in Tanzania, with recent epidemics in South Sudan and Uganda. Following a brief description of the medical geography, setting and case definition of this progressive brain disorder, we report recent advances relating to etiology, diagnosis and treatment described in papers given at the 2nd International Conference on Nodding Syndrome held in July 2015 in Gulu, Uganda. The target audience for this report includes: anthropologists, entomologists, epileptologists, health care workers, helminthologists, medical researchers, neuroepidemiologists, neurologists, neuroscientists, neuropathologists, nurses, nutritional scientists, primary health care physicians, psychiatrists, public health practitioners, toxicologists, and virologists.

Bibliographical metadata

Volume 3
Pages 80-83
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