Assessment of impediments affecting health systems response to neurocysticercosis in two districts (Gulu and Amuru), Nothern Uganda: A cross sectional study

Article Authors: Simon Peter Alarakol1*, Constantine Steven Labongo Loum2, Walter Onen Yagos3 and Kenneth Luyramamoi4


Northern Uganda is recovering from the effects of prolonged war which devastated most of the health systems in the region. The aim of the study was to identify health sector impediments affecting health systems response to Neurocysticercosis in the districts of Gulu and Amuru. A cross sectional study was conducted on two hospitals and 10 health centers. Two hundred and three (n=203) respondents were involved. Questionnaires were used to collect the data. One hundred and forty two (70.0%) of the respondents are permanently employed (P=0.01). Seventy three point nine percent (73.9%) of respondents are residents from Gulu districts (P=0.024). One hundred and nine (53.4%) of respondents reported they received training on infectious diseases (P=0.507). One hundred and forty three (70%) reported their health facilities have polices (P=0.04). One hundred and forty seven (72.4%) reported in-charges reside at health facilities (P=0.01). One hundred and twenty four (61%) of the respondents reported Government is the primary source of funding (P=0.02). One hundred and seventeen (57.6%) of the respondents reported funding are irregular (P=0.23). Eighty seven percent (87%) reported inadequate physical infrastructure (P=0.04). Seventy three point six have limited knowledge on the diagnosis of Neurocysticercosis (P=0.01) and many prescribe anti-helminthic drugs to patients (P=0.27). Despite improvement in the healthcare services in the health sectors, health systems response to Neurocysticercosis in Gulu and Amuru, Northern Uganda is weak with most health facilities operating minimally. There is need for holistic approach to improvement of health systems in the region through increased Government funding and advocacy.

Bibliographical metadata

Journal Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology
Volume 10
Issue No. 40
Pages 87-96
ISSN 2141-2316
DOI 10.5897/JPHE2017.0985
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