Master of Science in Information and Communications Technologies for Development

There is a need for regional and national frameworks that are aligned to the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030, the regional East African Community Vision 2050, and the Ugandan vision 2040. The SDGs were adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. The creativity, knowhow, technology and financial resources from all the society is necessary to achieve the SDGs in every context. Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies for Development (MID) will be crucial in equipping people from all societies with creativity, knowhow, and technology for achieving the SDGs. Read More


Code MTD
Duration 2 Years
Study time Weekend
Intake August

Entry Requirements

To qualify for admission, a candidate must fulfil the general Gulu University entry requirements for master’s degrees, and in addition the candidate must be a holder of either;
i). A Postgraduate Diploma in computing disciplines, including Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Computer Engineering from a recognized Institution; or
ii). A Bachelor’s degree with at least a second-class lower degree in Information Systems, Information Technology, Computer Science, Software Engineering, and Computer Engineering from a recognized Institution, or
iii). Any other Bachelor’s degree with at least a second class upper from a recognized Institution.

Fees Structure

Tuition Fees per Semester (East African) Tuition Fees per Semester (Non East Africans)
1,550,000 3,100,000

Programme Structure

  • LH Lecture Hours
  • CH Contact Hours
  • TH Tutorial Hours
  • CU Credit Units

Course Module Assessments
Each course shall be assessed on the basis of 100 total marks with proportions as follows:
i). Coursework 50%
ii). Written Examination 50%
Course work shall consist of laboratory work and progressive assessment (assignments/tests) totally 50%.
A minimum of two coursework assignments and/or tests shall be required per course.

Grading System
i). Course Unit Grading
Each Course will be graded out of a maximum of 100 marks and assigned an appropriate letter grade of the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) grade point.
ii). The following additional letters will be used, where appropriate:
W: Withdraw from Course;
I: Incomplete;
P: Pass;
F: Failure
INV: Investigate

How to Apply

Apply online