Bachelor of Science in Food Bioscience and Agribusiness.

Programme Rationale
The BFA programme hinges on the significance of agriculture in driving economic growth and development in Uganda and Africa in general. The Government of Uganda National Development Plan II (2015/16 – 2019/20), the newly formulated National Development Plan III (2020/2021 -2024/2025) and the Vision 2040 which collectively provide a framework for a transformed Ugandan society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous country within 30 years, have a strong emphasis on modernizing agriculture. An important ingredient in the modernization agenda to which the BFA programme contributes to is the development in value addition and agribusiness at postharvest level as a strategy to address the challenge of postharvest losses and low agricultural productivity. The BFA programme responds also to the Africa-wide continental development frameworks including the Science Agenda for Africa, the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Plan, and the agenda 2063 of the African Union which are all geared towards transforming agriculture as a critical engine for economic growth of the continent. In tandem with the afore-stated development frameworks, the revised BFA curriculum responds to three key social challenges that have become a strong hindrance to quality of life in Uganda and other countries in Africa: (i) poverty; (ii) food insecurity; and (iii) lack of employment for the youth. In revising the BFA programme, it is anticipated that Gulu university would contribute to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals number one (no poverty), two (zero hunger) and eight (decent work and economic growth).


Code GFA
Duration 4 Years
Study time Weekday
Intake August

Entry Requirements

Principal passes in any two of the following: Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Foods and Nutrition, Physics and Mathematics obtained at the same sitting.

Admission to the course to the first year is through three avenues, namely: direct entry, mature age scheme and diploma entry scheme.

(a) Direct Entry
Candidates through this avenue must have:
i). Sat the Uganda Certificate of Education or its equivalent examination with passes in five approved subjects.
ii). Obtained a principal pass in two essential subjects at Advanced Level at the same sitting

The Advanced level subjects shall be weighted according to whether they are Essential, Relevant or Desirable. For purposes of computing entry points, the Advanced level subjects shall be weighted and grouped as below:-

Category Weighting Subjects
Essential 3.0 Any two best done of Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Physics and Mathematics
Desirable 1.0 General Paper and Sub-mathematics or Sub-Computer


(b) Mature Age Entry Scheme
Admission may be granted under the mature age entry scheme after passing the appropriate Mature Age Entry Examination. 

(c) Diploma Entry Scheme
Admission may be granted if a candidate possesses a National Diploma or its equivalent of at least a Second Class standing or equivalent in agriculture, animal husbandry, veterinary, crop husbandry or other related disciplines, from recognized institutions.

Fees Structure

Tuition Fees per Semester (East African) Tuition Fees per Semester (Non East Africans)
1,050,000 2,625,000

Programme Structure

  • LH Lecture Hours
  • CH Contact Hours
  • TH Tutorial Hours
  • CU Credit Units

The programme leading to the award of BFA consists of a set of prescribed courses and skills training, all of which are core, as indicated in the programme structure.

Programme duration
The degree programme shall normally extend over a period of four years and each year consists of two semesters of 17 weeks each comprising fifteen (15) weeks of classes and two weeks (2) of examinations. There shall be one recess term of 10 weeks for the first three years.

Semester Load
a). Semester load shall be the total number of credit units for courses offered in a particular semester.
b). The maximum semester load shall be 31 Credit Units. The courses to be retaken shall be part of the maximum semester load.

Graduation Requirement
To qualify for the award of a Degree of Bachelor of Science in Food Bioscience and Agribusiness, a candidate is required to obtain a total of 191 Cumulative Credit Units, obtain a CGPA of not less than 2.0, pass all the prescribed practical skills training, conduct and present satisfactory field attachment and special project reports.

A candidate, who has covered 75% of the prescribed requirements and cannot complete the programme for reasons approved by senate, may be offered an Aegrotat Degree in Bachelor of Science in Food and Agribusiness.

How to Apply

Apply online