Gulu University is a community –oriented University and as such views a community in its broadest sense while ensuring local relevance

Gulu University is a community –oriented University and as such views a community in its broadest sense while ensuring local relevance

The University Engagement Policy and strategy falls within the vision of Gulu University i.e. ’To be the leading Academic Institution for Promotion of Community Transformation and Industrialization for Sustainable Development’.
Therefore as part of its Agenda for Community Transformation, the vision encapsulates the University’s desire as a higher education institution to be relevant to society. Coordinating and providing outreach activities is therefore among the core mission of GU.

Gulu University is a community–oriented university and as such views a community in its broadest sense while ensuring local relevance. As such, service, partnership or any form of engagement with other stakeholders other than internal university stakeholders will be considered to be community engagement.

The University have its media platforms which include a Facebook page, Twitter account, YouTube accounts, including a website to support digital communication and dissemination of public information and interaction with the community for quicker feedback and support in the modern communication system.

Gulu University also organizes Community Open Day once annually to engage with community members on the prospect and development of the University including receiving of community feedback and ideas to support the University. This is done to strengthen community relations and expose members of the community to the various initiatives at the University for Community Ownership of the institution.

The University also have a community media strategy where management and various University experts appear on top Radio and Television stations including holding press conferences to engage the community on issues relating to the University as well as having sports outreaches.

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  • Anthony John Kipapala Reply

    Yes this is a great thing for it’s yielding

    September 12, 2023 at 9:23 am

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